
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

100 Fabulous Followers Giveaway!!

O-M-G! I have not been fulfilling my blogging duties because I’ve gotten carried away working on new creations for next year. It’s really hard to stop once I start working on something. I finally started putting my binders together for next year. I printed out my Common Core Checklist and Gradebook and realized I am NOT a fan of landscape formatting. Well, not so much when it’s printed back to back. I had to ask, “What was I thinking?” and, "Are people really using these?” So, I began the process of reformatting the 2nd Grade CCSS stuff. Oh my word! I finished the Checklist and it looks fantastic! It’s in my binder ready to go! Now, I just need to finish that Gradebook (Portrait formatting). Grumble. If you are a fan of the landscape formatting then you are welcome to check out those items in my TpT store. 
Teachers Pay Teachers: Original CCSS Checklist
 Teachers Pay Teachers: New CCSS Checklist
Teachers Pay Teachers: Gradebook for 2nd Grade

Now, onto the sparkly goodies below…I couldn’t believe when I saw that I had 100 followers on Bloglovin! I was wondering if there was some sort of error, but nope it was correct. The numbers have been climbing ever since, which is fantastic because last month when I started I was keeping my fingers crossed hoping that maybe 20 people might like my blog enough to follow. But now there are 100 fabulous followers… What more could a girl ask for?! I am so thrilled and excited to be able to share some goodies with you all. A few of my new bloggy friends are sharing some items from their TpT stores (I begged asked nicely). They are super sweet and have some fantastic items to share.

I plan on having 2 Giveaways! Both will feature different items from different sellers.  

Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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