I’m so excited to share about Casey’s Take Home Math
Kits! Click {HERE} to visit her blog.I chose to share these with a small group of students who needed additional
math practice (for trial purposed). My students were excited when I gave them
the scoop and explained that they would be taking math games home. What?! They
couldn’t believe I was going to let them take games home. BEST TEACHER EVER!! So,
of course they permission slips came back quickly. I was able to get the games
out right away! I decided to send the games home on Monday and have students
return them on Thursday. It gives me time to sort through the games and ensure
that they are ready to be sent home with a different student on Monday. I love
that the kit includes a letter that explains the process.
The skill level of the activities range from first to
second grade, so I chose to use activities that matched some of the concepts we
recently worked on. Some of the concepts included money, measurement, and
arrays. I allowed my students to choose a game on their own. In the future I
think I might just assign the game depending on the student’s need. It was easy
to prep the games. I did choose to laminate them for durability and placed them
in envelopes. I briefly reviewed the games and explained that the directions
and materials were included in the envelope.
Measuring Down on the Farm was one of the first games
to be snatched up because we have just started working on measuring with a
ruler. Special Shapes was another game that was quickly selected. My students
love writing with Expo markers. All I had to do was laminate the cards, so that
students could write directly on them. My kiddos were thrilled when they
returned the games and were already asking when they could checkout a new game.
You'll have to check out the Take Home Math Kits for yourself. These are only a few of the games that you can find included. There are PLENTY of 1st and 2nd grade games for you to choose from.